The alarm clock rings. Is it 2020 already? I look in the mirror—I've aged well!
I put in my "flex hour" of planning time before school. Some split
the hour, some plan after school, and others meet collaboratively. No
more clock watching—teachers are trusted to organize their schedules to
suit their professional roles.
My 5th graders and I begin the day with our language arts block.
Afterwards, they have mandatory recess. This is based on the premise
that children learn best in chunks of time, interspersed with
opportunities to exercise and socialize. (On the way back to class for
our math block, we see a first-year teacher and her veteran co-teacher.
Much like a medical resident, she co-teaches with her mentor for a year
before being fully certified.)
Then it's lunch hour—which is an actual hour. The administration and
instructional assistants conduct family-style meals with the children,
followed by some recess time. Meanwhile, teachers eat a duty-free lunch
then and participate in collaboration time with colleagues of different
grade levels, specialties, and professional roles. Some teams opt to use
the entire hour as a collaboration "working lunch."
After lunch—while students are learning about art, dance, music, PE,
or technology—grade-level teams meet. We plan lessons, craft common
assessments, look at student work together, discuss students of concern,
and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions. (On the way to my
meeting, I pass the librarian who is meeting by webinar with his
district colleagues.)
Next my class studies astronomy—one of a series of interdisciplinary
units that integrate listening, speaking, language arts, math, science,
and technology skills. We have the time to offer these kinds of units
now that the states no longer require high-stakes standardized testing
for every student every year. No need to spend valuable instructional
time on test preparation and administration. (Furthermore, by changing
how we handle standardized testing, we are able to fund more
intervention specialists who work in our classrooms and "in the moment"
with students.)
My students go home and I take stock of my day. After my hour prep
period, I spent 60 percent instructing students, 25 percent
collaborating with colleagues, and 15 percent for recess prep time/lunch
collaboration. This is a vast improvement from when I started teaching
(without a mentor)—85 percent teaching time, 10 percent collaborative
time (during lunch with a generous veteran teacher), and 5 percent
preparation time.
Dedy Fauntleroy