Tuesday, January 15, 2013

a warm welcome

Yesterday, my principal left everyone a personal, handwritten note in their mailbox. Everyone received a bookmark-sized piece of paper with some words of encouragement. Ignore for a minute that ackowledging everyone at once totally invalidates the sentiment. My personal, handwritten note? A photocopied paragraph from the evaluation booklet.

My principal copied a paragraph about how to be a team player, and then wrote me a note about how I am not. She further encouraged me to reflect on this problem of mine, since it is unacceptable.

I went to talk to her about it yesterday after school and all she could tell me is that "multiple people have complained."

Now, I do not have the relationship that I had with my team last year -- but that team was graced with a rare chemistry. This year, I do not love my team. We do not spend time outside of school together. But do we need to, to be effective? I'm actually asking from a professional standpoint. Do I need to be friends with my colleagues? What is the relationship that I should be seeking and fostering?

1 comment:

  1. I have personal thoughts about this woman, you would not like them. I will keep them to myself. You are almost done with her. I wish that I could tell you there aren't more like her out there. It is a life lesson, dealing with this personality. Life lessons tend to be more excruciating as well as valuable.
    Un-named multiple people is an empty statement. If you manage to work with the team to the benefit of the children, there is no problem. If you feel no animosity from your colleagues then she is not being honest or they should be receiving awards for hiding their feelings so well. You are not one to kiss a backside, could be that's the problem.
