Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Now that we are in the swing of things, we are doing shout-outs more regularly. We had some good ones yesterday -- students are helping each other get their coats from hard-to-reach places, asking nicely when they need something, and playing together at lunch.

One of my well-spoken girls, S, attempted to secure her spot as the class suck-up:

"I would like to shout-out Ms. Haley for being the best teacher in the world and helping us be like first-graders."

"Thanks, S. But you're going to have to give us a specific example of something that I've done -- that's the rule for shout outs."

It took her so long that we had to wait and come back to her, but finally she said, "Because today you ate lunch with us and it made me feel so special."

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