Sunday, April 25, 2010

lose yourself

3295 miles
1311 pictures
986 pages of leisure reading
34 scoops of gelato
19 train rides
12 cities
7 wellesley women
and 1 volcanic explosion...

I am back in London, safe and sound. Excepting Eyjafjallajökul, the entire trip went off without any complications and I had a wonderful time.

I am still in the process of processing, but here are some of my favorite pictures.


  1. It's good to have you back safe and sound. Got a little worried with that Icelandic explosion. Lot's of memoriesand a good time will long be remembered. Giving me more gray hairs, that's another story. Luv ya, grump

  2. Melissa - check my note to you under your blog -it's warm in Italy. Can't wait for the gelato! Auntie Donna
