Wednesday, October 14, 2009

better than treasure

I came across a Shepard Fairey in Harvard Square, and was immediately compelled to point, shout, examine, and photograph. A photo by Amelia:

Some interesting observations:
  • a scribble exclaiming 'f u fairy' -was the misspelling purposely meant as an insult?
  • the work was made of two general areas which looked as though they had been ripped and overlapped - combined with the actual rips and tears it created a wonderful effect
  • someone had written 'sell out' on the forehead of the woman in this print
  • someone else had crossed it out
I was shocked that so many people walked by without even a passing glance - perhaps because I was beside myself with excitement. How often is it that I can actually touch the works that I study? I love public art.

In my opinion, all art should be this close to people - for them to interact with and observe. Does anyone out there think that Fairey is a sellout? How does being a household name change his message?

1 comment:

  1. plenty of people in my painting class think he's a sellout!!
