Thursday, May 23, 2013

silver lining

I started the morning with two chaperones. By the time we left I had a total of seven.

The weather created the biggest waves I've ever seen on Lake Michigan and I got to watch as some of my kids saw big waves for the first time.

I taught my kids the word "skyscraper" a few weeks ago. Without prompting I heard someone shout, "I see a skyscraper!!"

When we had no place to sit at lunch we laid out my coat on the floor and had a picnic. One of my students who has a really hard time sharing watched me share my lunch and then decided to share her candy (big deal).

We got to see at least three of the animals on my dress.

Two of my three group members, after we watched a zoo keeper prepare lunch for the birdhouse, decided they want to be zookeepers, too.


I am all kinds of grumpy. Today is our last field trip. I'm wearing a fabulous Frizz dress. We've been talking about the zoo for weeks.

It's 50 degrees outside and supposed to rain. And I have a cold. The entire day hinges on my ability to operate at a level 10 in terms of enthusiasm.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Watching a former student quietly attempt to reattach a leaf that fell off her plant with an increasing look of confusion on her face.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

teaching is like running a marathon

A coworker (Ms. H) and I signed up to do a half marathon together, coinciding with the end of the school year. I think we both appreciate the parallel structure of grueling exercise and grueling jobs. I'm in my third week of training and so far so good. I've never run distance before so I'm just training to finish -- if it takes me 2 1/2 hours I don't mind one bit. 

When I told my kids they were really excited about the idea of me "racing" Ms. H.